Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical treatments in the world and is used to re-establish balance in the body. It activates the body’s own innate healing response to help the body feel better and decrease symptoms, including digestive problems such as bloating and constipation. Modern research has shown that acupuncture helps increase blood circulation, decrease inflammation, and decrease pain.
Acupuncture helps stimulate the “rest and digest” response, also known as your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) in the body. In this relaxed state, blood flow to your digestive tract increases, the salivary gland is stimulated which produces digestive enzymes in the body, intestinal activity increases, and sphincters in the digestive tract relax. In addition to digestive benefits, acupuncture for digestion can increase activation of the PNS and also decreases stress in the body which usually contributes to digestive issues.
The needles used are hair thin and usually patients don’t feel much when they are inserted. To put size into perspective, about 20-30 acupuncture needles fit into one hypodermic (injection) needle. They’re tiny!
During an acupuncture treatment, patients usually relax, do deep breathing exercises and some even take a nap.
After acupuncture treatments patients usually feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
Call or email us to schedule an initial consultation and acupuncture treatment. We’re happy to help you feel better and stay well.
Author: Dr. Christie Teruel, DACM, LAc. Founder of Centered in Wellness Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Questions? Feel free to email me at
Phone: (619) 610-0222
Address: 821 Kuhn Drive, #107, Chula Vista, CA 91914 (located inside Sports Performance PT)
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