Alfa Surgery Center focuses on offering a high quality, service oriented environment for your endoscopy procedure.
Alfa Surgery Center is an outpatient, endoscopic facility specializing in colorectal cancer screening and the treatment of various diseases involving the digestive tract. Our experienced, board-certified physicians have dedicated themselves to caring for their neighbors in the South Bay community of San Diego, Chula Vista, and Tijuana.
If you are one of our patients, we want to provide you a special welcome along with our commitment to provide you with excellence in both the clinical care you receive and excellence in the experience you have at our facility and surgery center. Your health care team is comprised of highly trained, caring professionals who share this commitment.
We are accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities Inc (AAAASF)
Number of Procedure Rooms: 2
Our state-of the art equipment allows surgeons to perform procedures in the specialty areas of:
• Colonoscopy
• Upper Endoscopy (EGD)
• Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
• Gastric Balloon
Insurance Plans: Our facility accepts most major commercial insurance, HMO/PPO plans, Medicare, and other government sponsored health coverage. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your insurance coverage.
Gastro SB Clinic offers comprehensive treatment for a wide range of gastrointestinal and nutritional conditions.
Or call us to make an appointment
No need to fast
No long waits
inmediate exam results
Lipid panel • Liver function test • Glucose levels to screen for diabetes • Body mass index • Hemoglobin measurement to rule out anemia • Blood pressure • Glycosylated hemoglobin to monitor and confirm diabetes • Electrocardiogram • Ultrasound to detect liver fibrosis • Dietetic education