Weight Loss Tip: Healthy Eating is All About Balance

Erick • February 16, 2022

Healthy eating is all about  balance. You can still enjoy your favorite foods, but the key is  is to eat them only once in a while, balancing them out with healthier foods and more physical activity. Here are some weight loss tips to help you reach your goals while still enjoying the foods you love:

✨ When working on weight management goals, especially long-term success, it’s vital that you do not remove your favorite foods (unless medically indicated.)
✨ Weight management includes developing a healthy relationship with food.
✨ As we begin to create new habits and remove old ones we must be patient with the process as the old habits did not develop overnight. Seek out the help of a weight loss coach or attend classes at a weight loss clinic for extra support, if needed.
✨ Including a variety of foods throughout the week will encourage appropriate intake of foods and reduce the risk of excessive caloric intake on the weekends due to “waiting for the cheat day/meal to come” mentality.
✨ Working on weight management goals? Comment below 👇🏽 👇🏽 👇🏽 how you’re changing your behaviors and developing new habits to support long-term success 🤩
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