The importance of a bilingual Gastroenterologist is to better understand the patient’s symptoms, culture and customs.
Accurate communication is paramount to select the correct diagnostic test, procedure and/or treatment for the patient.
Interpreters may not always accurately translate what the patient is experiencing. Also, patients may not feel completely comfortable expressing intimate GI symptoms in front of an interpreter.
Additionally, it is important to understand the culture and customs of the patients to better manage and treat their digestive issues. This is particularly true in Chula Vista, due to Its dense Hispanic population.
Inaccurate or incomplete understanding of a patient’s symptoms can lead to frustrated patients that lose time seeking second opinions for treatment and relief.
Fortunately at Gastro SB, our staff is fluent in both English and Spanish to accurately communicate with our patients. This ensures that diagnostics, instructions for procedures, tests or appointments are accurately given and clearly understood by our patients.
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Erick Alayo, MD – Bilingual Gastroenterologist
The post Importance of a Bilingual Gastroenterologist appeared first on Gastro SB.
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