Constant Abdominal Inflammation? A Gastroenterologist May Be the Solution!

Erick • Dec 18, 2019

If you cannot control abdominal inflammation, visit a gastroenterologist before the problem gets worse.

The vast majority of us have experienced abdominal inflammation (distension) at any given time: an uncomfortable abdominal inflammation as if we had eaten too much, too much gas built up, and skin stretching sensation. In more severe cases, this abdominal inflammation may be accompanied by more serious GI symptoms. What are the causes? How can it be controlled? It is important to pay attention to everything you feel, and make an appointment with a gastroenterologist who can help you control the inflammation.

Symptoms of abdominal inflammation have physical implications, but sometimes they may also have emotional repercussions. Abdominal inflammation may cause discomfort, clothes may not fit as usual, and concerns about your health may increase. This has a direct impact on your quality of life. As far as the physical component, symptoms may aggravate until one or more of the following instances may arise:

– Fecal blood
– Accelerated and unhealthy weight loss
– Nausea
– Vomiting
– Constant diarrhea
– Heartburn
– High fever

This can also affect your quality of life at alarming levels. However, with prompt help with conditions treated by a gastroenterologist , discomfort may be controlled before it turns into something more serious.

Now, what causes abdominal inflammation? Abdominal inflammation arises when the gastrointestinal tract is filled with air or gas as a result of a number of causes, namely: eating too fast and swallowing air, long lasting constipation, eating too much, reflux, menstruation, or weight gain. There are also causes resulting from medical conditions that call for close attention, such as: infections, gastrointestinal diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, depression, liver disease, Crohn’s disease , or intestine or bladder blockages or even colon cancer. In any case, only a gastroenterologist may diagnose, and get to the root cause of the problem.

Abdominal inflammation does not have to be something you get used to; it is not normal, and it may be quite unpleasant. Furthermore, inflammation can be prevented with the right treatment. While these symptoms may be temporary and transient (nothing to worry about), seeing a gastroenterologist can help you prevent inflammation.

It is important to consult a physician as soon as possible in the event of one or more severe symptoms. Do not let time go by believing that you can live with abdominal inflammation, and with the other inconveniences it entails; controlling inflammation has an effect on how you live and enjoy your life. Say goodbye to frustrations, constant stomach ache, and continued sensation of fullness, and focus, instead, on a pain-free life, on a healthy diet, and on the desire to go about your daily activities without the inconveniences mentioned before.

Visit a gastroenterologist today to help you control these problems and improve your health, now!




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