Fighting Obesity With An Intragastric Balloon

Erick • March 13, 2020

Learn all about the intragastric balloon (IGB), and its benefits for health

Obesity is a health problem we should address as soon as possible. On the long run, it gives rise to a number of complications, and also impoverishes quality of life. A healthy body will always be less prone to certain diseases. Nowadays, new methods have emerged to combat the problem of obesity and they can be allies of health, and one which has proven to be very effective is the intragastric balloon.

Treatment consists of inserting a medical silicone balloon into the stomach, via endoscopy. This can be done provided there are no existing diseases which contraindicate insertion. The balloon is filled with a saline solution that limits stomach capacity, causing the patient to be more cautious with his eating habits. Why? Because the feeling of hunger diminishes, and satiation is faster; consequently, weight loss is quick.

The intragastric balloon must be inserted deflated; once it is properly placed inside the stomach, it is filled with the solution, and the valve is closed. Each patient needs a certain volume of filling depending on personal conditions and needs. The procedure is simple and takes less than half an hour, without hospitalization.

A procedure that helps improve life and lose weight

Now, precisely due to rapid weight loss, treatment with the intragastric balloon must be closely supervised by professionals. You must follow a good eating plan, exercise on a regular basis, and take good care of yourself.  Treatment can only be 100% successful with a healthy lifestyle. Using a weight loss coach or weight loss clinic is also helpful in maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Additionally, treatment is aimed mainly at people with digestive issues or respiratory or metabolic problems, with which weight gain can become an increasingly serious problem. However, anyone who has more than 22 pounds (10 kilograms) to lose can access this treatment, as long as it is performed under proper supervision.

Contact us if you think the intragastric balloon may be the right solution for you! The most qualified professionals will assess your case.

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